One of my favourite times of year. Where I live, we don't really celebrate it much, but hopefully this year we'll be having a party. I absolutely love being able to dress up, it's really fun, and it's quite entertaining to be able to see what other people dress up as. And come on, you get free candy!! YUM! But, a lot of people are completely against it. A few years ago I went trick or treating and we went to this one house and the lady chased us away with a crucifix, thinking we were real demons! Unbelievable, but whatever. I've grown up loving everything spooky. I mean, sure, scary as hell sometimes, but it's just as intriguing. Anyway, I hope this year mum will let me go out with my friends again. (She's not a big fan of me going out at night, even if I've got my friends with me).
Please, comment what your opinion is on Hallowe'en or funny/scary stories or experiences you've heard/had.
~The Elf

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