30 August 2015

Dance with the Devil - Breaking Benjamin

Song of The Month!

Dance with the Devil
By Breaking Benjamin

First of all, I think I should start out by apologizing to everyone who were hoping for something non-fandom related. I've been watching the Vampire Diaries again, as of late and I've always loved this song. Me being the total fangirl I am, listened to plenty of playlists online about the Vampire Diaries, their characters and relationships in the show. I came across this video, which I think was done very well, about Damon and Elena, and Klaus and Caroline. If you're into the Vampire Diaries, you'll probably love the video, because it was done really well. If you don't like the Vampire Diaries, I'd still at least listen to the video, because this song on it's own is brilliant.
I've always loved Breaking Benjamin and their music, but I haven't been as drawn in by their music lately, until I heard some of their songs on playlists. I honestly love their music and it can usually be interpreted in a number of ways, but they're always good to listen to.
Anyway, check out the song! And if you like it, you should check out Breaking Benjamin's other music!
~The Elf

28 August 2015

Flashback Friday

Flashback Friday

Fable: The Lost Chapters is an extended version of the original fable developed by Lionhead Studios and released on the 20th September 2005. Set in the nation of Albion, the player assumes the role of an orphaned boy that becomes a great hero. The player can make choices which changes how the people of Albion react to the hero and changes the appearance of the character depending on if the player chooses to do evil deeds or good deeds. The hero goes on a quest to find out what happened to the hero's family, the player can also go on optional quests, trade, steal and romance characters in the game.

This game is a very enjoyable action-rpg, easy to get use to and the fighting is fun. You can work on being close combat focused, being an archer, mage or a little of all of them making the game fun for however you want to play. You can also be evil or good which changes what happens in the game because people act differently towards you. The hero can also get titles like "Chicken Chaser" and Paladin which people will call you. This game is entertaining and you should definitely give it a go.

*The Elder*

16 August 2015

Kingsman: The Secret Service

The Secret Service (2014)

Movie Information:
"Based upon the acclaimed comic book and directed by Matthew Vaughn, Kingsman: The Secret Service tells the story of a super-secret spy organization that recruits an unrefined but promising street kid into the agency's ultra-competitive training program just as a global threat emerges from a twisted tech genius." - Written by 20th Century Fox

My Review:
This movie was brilliant! I loved it. Most movies these days aren't as ballsy as this one was. Dirty humour, bad language and random, crazy violence are all in this movie, but done in a sort of elegant way. It's kind of just a way dirtier and funnier version of James Bond. It is definitely not for easily offended or squeamish people because Matthew Vaughn most certainly took some risks with this movie, but it worked out to be absolutely fantastic! The entire movie is just one crazy ride, that will keep you guessing the whole way through, without being serious at all. I mean, the whole movie is about a guy trying to kill everyone, but most of the movie is spent screwing around in the training parts, which just makes it hilarious. 
Not only that, but the cast is just brilliant. Seriously, Samuel L. Jackson with a lisp? Best villain in existence. And don't forget Colin Firth, who is usually seen as much more of a tense character, totally kicks ass in this movie! I also think the guy who plays the main character, Taron Egerton, is worth mentioning because he did so amazingly in Kingsman. He really proved himself and I think he did brilliantly. Another thing I think people aren't mentioning enough about this movie is the soundtrack, which was amazing and really well done. It definitely added well to the story and were played at the perfect moments.
Obviously not everyone is going to love it, which is fine, but I honestly thought it was brilliant. The movie isn't very serious and is honestly hilarious. I would definitely recommend it, though it's probably only suitable for people 16+.
~The Elf

10 August 2015

Maleficent (2014)

Maleficent (2014)

Movie Information:
"A beautiful, pure-hearted young woman, Maleficent has an idyllic life growing up in a peaceable forest kingdom, until one day when an invading army threatens the harmony of the land. Maleficent rises to be the land's fiercest protector, but she ultimately suffers a ruthless betrayal - an act that begins to turn her pure heart to stone. Bent on revenge, Maleficent faces a battle with the invading king's successor and, as a result, places a curse upon his newborn infant Aurora. As the child grows, Maleficent realizes that Aurora holds the key to peace in the kingdom - and perhaps to Maleficent's true happiness as well." - Written by Walt Disney Pictures

My Review:
I was told multiple times by my friends that I had to see this movie, so I finally got around to it last week. I wasn't really looking forward to it because lately I've been getting really sick of fairy tale movies, but honestly it was still really good. It gives you a different view of the classic tale of Sleeping Beauty, which is always a good thing, plus it had a great cast! I mean, hello, Angelina Jolie! It isn't exactly a movie for a huge new take on the story line, but it's cute and it has some awesome actors and actresses in it. It's not a movie with huge impact or life changing double meanings, it's not very serious in my opinion, but it shows you the story in a new light and is definitely worth watching. It has a dragon in it! Totally worth it.
Also, I just really loved Sam Riley's character Diaval. He was just really cool and I would probably watch the movie again just for his character, but of course there's also Angelina Jolie and Elle Fanning, both of which were great in this movie. It's a really adorable film, so I would recommend it to anyone who doesn't mind sitting through yet another retake of a fairy tale.
It's rated PG because some of the fight sequences and such would probably scare younger kids, not to mention Maleficent is quite intimidating and there are a few scenes that could upset a younger viewer, but for the most part it's enjoyable for young people. It's probably not something adults would really care about, but if you're into Disney at all, I'd definitely recommend it. Otherwise kids and teens would probably enjoy it most, keeping in mind that youngsters should probably be supervised.
In any case, it's a movie I would happily suggest to anyone, so check it out!
~The Elf