31 December 2014

Uptown Funk - Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars

Song of the Month!

If you haven't heard this song, you damn well better listen to it now! It's a brilliant song that has pretty much taken over the world, for a good reason. Honestly, it's just such a feel good song, that you just have to love it! 
Firstly, Mark Ronson is brilliant in his own right, but I think being partnered up with Bruno Mars for this song made it perfect! They're both very, very talented and I think together they made this song as good as they possibly could have.
I love Bruno Mar's style. He just has this swagger about him that makes him someone you want to hang with. He seems to have this magnetic personality and it shows through to his music, which just makes it all the better to listen to. I love how his music sorta sounds old fashioned, but with a modern twist. His music is very catchy and unique, which you can easily hear, it sets him apart from other artists.
Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars made this song one that won't be forgotten anytime soon.
If you haven't already listened to this song, do it now!
What are everyone's favourite songs by either of them?
~The Elf

25 December 2014

Christmas Tale: Part 2

Christmas Tale
Part Two

'Twas the day of Christmas,
And all through the house,
Every creature was stirring,
Even the mouse.

All kids were grounded,
For their late night,
That gave mum and dad,
A bloody big fright.

The Greek went home,
For he was a dick,
He decided to ditch,
What a bloody big prick.

Santa Claus was hungover,
But all gifts were there,
All four felt great pride,
as they gave them a stare.

"We did a good thing," Merlin laughed aloud,
The Elder smiled, "Santa would be proud."
The Elf's lips' corners lifted,
As she gave The short Dwarf a look,
They then said in time, "This should be in a book."

And that's how the story of drunk Christmas began,
With a tipsy 'Claus and a bloody great plan.
Merry Christmas to all,
And to all a bloody great night.


What did you think of part two? Should I do a part three?
-The Dwarf



Hello everyone!
Merry Christmas to all and we hope you've all had a fantastic day, we know we have. 
This year was actually even busier than last year, so we have been worse than ever at keeping things updated and posting often. We are very, very sorry about that, but we're definitely going to pick up the Christmas spirit for the rest of the month and, as our New Year's resolution, we're going to try to post at least five times every month from now on.
Unfortunately, most of these posts will still be by me, since I have internet access most often and am available to do things on a more regular basis. Next year, The Dwarf and The Elder will be posting more often, I assure you, but probably still not as often as we would like. We all have busy lives, but we will definitely try to be more consistent. If we still can't post very often, we apologize in advance, but we are aiming to have more regular posting by June next year - at the latest.
The Friday Flashbacks have been very inconsistent, but hopefully from next week on wards, we'll be posting every Friday. We also plan on doing as many new reviews as we can in the next few weeks, before we have to get back to school and work, etc... Otherwise, we plan to do more things for the blog next year, which we're quite excited about.
Hopefully, we'll have everything sorted next year and be much more organized.
In any case, we hope you all have a lovely Christmas! Best wishes to everyone and we hope you all get the things that were on your wishlist this year.
We love you all very much, and thank you for checking out the blog!

~The Elf