Flashback Friday!
Berserk is a classic anime created by Kentaro Miura. Set in a fantasy medieval Europe, it follows the characters Guts, an orphaned mercenary and Griffith, the charismatic leader of a mercenary group called the Band of the Hawk. It shows you how Guts hunts demon like creatures called Apostles and how he and his band of warriors fight a long war that has devastated the country of Midland. The anime has a slightly dark story and is aimed at an older audience, making it a seinen manga, but it is very interesting to watch.
The series has an amazingly well done plot, which keeps you interested from start to finish and character depth that leaves you wishing all anime was done the same way. If you like action anime, then Beserk is the anime for you. Even people who don't particularly like anime have said that Beserk is one of the best made anime in existence and is definitely worth a try, so give it a go.
*The Elder*
Berserk is a classic anime created by Kentaro Miura. Set in a fantasy medieval Europe, it follows the characters Guts, an orphaned mercenary and Griffith, the charismatic leader of a mercenary group called the Band of the Hawk. It shows you how Guts hunts demon like creatures called Apostles and how he and his band of warriors fight a long war that has devastated the country of Midland. The anime has a slightly dark story and is aimed at an older audience, making it a seinen manga, but it is very interesting to watch.
The series has an amazingly well done plot, which keeps you interested from start to finish and character depth that leaves you wishing all anime was done the same way. If you like action anime, then Beserk is the anime for you. Even people who don't particularly like anime have said that Beserk is one of the best made anime in existence and is definitely worth a try, so give it a go.
*The Elder*
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