Assassin's Creed Black Flag
Assassin's Creed Black Flag is a game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft. The game is set during the golden age of piracy, you play as Edward Kenway a young man trying to make his fortune, he leaves his wife and family to join privateer's working for the British navy. While on duty the ship he is on comes under attack from the rogue assassin Duncan Walpole. Both ships are destroyed in the conflict and Edward and Duncan survive and are stranded on the island together, he kills Duncan and disguises himself as the rouge assassin. He sneaks into the Templar meeting but is eventually found and must escape. This conflict continues through out the game. Edward eventually becomes an Assassin and hunts down the Templar order.
My Review
This is a beautiful game with many unique and interesting places to travel to on your ship "The Jackdaw". The game has great character development, excellent game play and an amazing story line with many twists that keep you guessing. You can customize your character's look as well as weaponry and your ships look. the game play varies depending on how you want to play it, you could run in and chop everyone down to dog meat or you can sneak through like the sneaky little assassin you are.
*The Elder* and <Merlin>
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